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Our groups are run on a semester system - spring, summer, and fall. Our next groups launch will be the fall groups on August 28, 2022. Join us on Sunday, August 28 at our Fall Kickoff Party as we announce our fall groups!

Spiritual Life Groups ( 4 groups )

The Spiritual Life track of classes teach the "how to's" of interacting with, ordering our lives around, and connecting with God. They progressively build upon one another, are more "weightier" in teaching than the other tracks, and require some homework. However, this is the core track of Embark Church that has proven results in helping people respond to, grow deeper in, and experience more of Jesus.

Men's & Women's Groups ( 4 groups )

Our Men's and Women's groups are open to join any time of the year. These groups are a great place to meet new people and learn from each other as you study a particular book of the Bible or topical study. 

Bible Study Groups ( 3 groups )

Our Bible study groups go in-depth into a particular book of the Bible, chapter by chapter. These groups are perfect for those who want to learn how to study the Bible and really dig deep into Scripture. 

Community Groups ( 2 groups )

Our community groups are for men and women who desire to learn more about specific Christian topics. 

Marriage & Family Groups ( 1 group )

These groups meet together to learn from each other as well as study what the Bible says regarding marriage and family.

Connect Groups ( 1 group )

These groups are focused on common interests and are more focused on community than spiritual depth. 

Outreach Groups (3 groups)

Our outreach groups partner with local organizations who are making a difference in our community. Outreach groups do not replace any of our groups focused on spiritual growth, but are a great place to share your faith and give back to our community. 

Student Groups

Our student ministry gathers our middle and high school students together for food, fellowship, games, and a large group lesson. Students then split into small groups for in-depth discussion and personal application of that night's lesson.