Spiritual Life groups

The Spiritual Life track of classes teach the "how to's" of interacting with, ordering our lives around, and connecting with God. They progressively build upon one another, are more "weightier" in teaching than the other tracks, and require some homework. However, this is the core track of Embark Church that has proven results in helping people respond to, grow deeper in, and experience more of Jesus.

If you are new to Embark, Spiritual Life 1.0 is where you should start. 

Spiritual Life 1.0

Jud Jordan

Date & Time - Sundays at 5:30 PM
Start Date - September 11, 2022
Location - TBD
Childcare Available

Most, whether they grew up in church or not, have not been taught the practical, "how to's" of living out the Christian faith.  As a result, they do not feel as connected as they would like with God.  SL 1.0 teaches the time-tested, practical, “how to” practices for engaging God.  It specifically covers:
1. Understanding and experiencing the gospel. The Gospel, that is the Good News of what God has done for you, is the core of a vibrant faith.  For the many who have not experienced how it radically transforms and establishes God as the center of their life, it is just a word.  In 1.0, participants have the Gospel unpacked for them as well as walked into experiencing it.  

2. Teaching "how to" do specific spiritual practices. 1.0 teaches the "how-to's" of prayer, reading scripture, hearing from God, praying with others, and other time-tested spiritual practices necessary in connecting with God.  

This is the starting place for all and the core course Embark was built upon.

Spiritual Life 2.0

Jud Jordan & other leaders

Date & Time - TBD based on participant's schedule
Start Date - September 12, 2022
Location - TBD

Really growing close with Jesus involves allowing Him to shape our character and develop our inner man / woman. This involves learning how to let Him search, reveal and speak into our character flaws, the ways we operate and how we engage others.
Through a time-tested, results-proven process, 2.0 carries participants through "Jesus directed self-work" that will develop a personal inventory of the things that shape how we think, act and respond to ourselves, others and God.

  • Completion of SL 1.0 is required prior to attending SL 2.0.

Spiritual Life 3.0

Jud Jordan

Date & Time - Tuesdays at 5:30 PM
Start Date - September 13, 2022
Location - TBD
Childcare is available.

Learning how to live out and organize our lives around the Spiritual Disciplines (prayer, study, fasting, silence / solitude, worship, work and Sabbath) is essential for deep connection with Jesus rather than trying to squeeze Him into our already busy schedules. This course teaches what the spiritual disciplines are, how to do them, and how to organize our lives around them through teaching and in-depth discussion. This is a more intensive teaching that requires reflective homework / practicing the skills at home.
  • Must have completed Spiritual Life 1.0.
  • Although completion of Spiritual Life 2.0 is preferable, this does not necessarily mean you cannot register for the class. We simply ask you discuss your desire to be a part of this class with your group leader for future clarification.
  • Must have a serious and committed desire to order your lives more around Jesus.

Spiritual Life 4.0

Jud Jordan

Those who have a vibrant relationship with Jesus ALWAYS have a desire to be used by Him in ministry, that is helping others experience greater levels of Jesus in their lives and leading / assisting ministries within the church. It is important to note that MANY do not have a specific ministry they want to perform, they simply have a general sense they want to serve.
Spiritual Life 4.0 involves group and 1-on-1 instruction regarding how to do ministry, placement within church ministry positions, discussion to help you discern where God is calling you to ministry, and individual growth feedback sessions. If you are feeling led to this, no matter where you are on your Spiritual Life journey, contact the pastor to schedule discussion time.

  • Must have completed SL 1.0.
  • Schedule time with and have a discussion with the pastor.