Social distancing guidelines for keeping us safe
Face Masks
1. Face masks are required per CDC and Orangeburg County recommendations. Please bring your own mask. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you.
2. Children under 2 are not required to wear a mask per CDC guidelines.
3. Children who attend the worship service with their families are required to wear face masks with the exception of ages 2 and under.
4. If you prefer not to wear a mask, you can watch our service online in our online campus, in our app, on Youtube, or on Facebook.
Bracelet System
As soon as you enter, you will be asked to put on a bracelet to show your social distancing preferences. Here is what each bracelet means.
Red - I'm keeping my distance.
Yellow - Ok with talking but not touching.
Green - Ok with hugs and high-fives.
Social Distancing
1. Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from others unless you are in the same household.
2. We will be spacing out in the worship center as much as possible. We ask that you put 2-3 seats between you and the next person/family.
3. Use hand sanitizer often. We will provide hand sanitizer throughout our facility.
4. Avoid contact with others as much as possible. Please no hugging or handshaking. Do elbow or fist bumps.
5. Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow. Please bring a handkerchief, washcloth or anything else to cover your mouth.
6. Please stay home if you are sick. If anyone in your family is experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay home.
Children's Ministry
All children's ministry team members will be wearing masks and gloves. Our children's ministry coordinator has provided two options for your children:
1. Children's Ministry Area - Children are NOT required to wear a face mask in children's ministry. Children will be temp-checked during check-in.
2. Attend Worship Service - Children attending the worship service are required to wear masks unless they are ages 2 and under. Children will be given packets with coloring pages and crayons.
Online Service
Our service will be streamed online at 9:30 and 11:00 AM on our facebook page for those who wish to worship with us from home.
1. Face masks are required per CDC and Orangeburg County recommendations. Please bring your own mask. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you.
2. Children under 2 are not required to wear a mask per CDC guidelines.
3. Children who attend the worship service with their families are required to wear face masks with the exception of ages 2 and under.
4. If you prefer not to wear a mask, you can watch our service online in our online campus, in our app, on Youtube, or on Facebook.
Bracelet System
As soon as you enter, you will be asked to put on a bracelet to show your social distancing preferences. Here is what each bracelet means.
Red - I'm keeping my distance.
Yellow - Ok with talking but not touching.
Green - Ok with hugs and high-fives.
Social Distancing
1. Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from others unless you are in the same household.
2. We will be spacing out in the worship center as much as possible. We ask that you put 2-3 seats between you and the next person/family.
3. Use hand sanitizer often. We will provide hand sanitizer throughout our facility.
4. Avoid contact with others as much as possible. Please no hugging or handshaking. Do elbow or fist bumps.
5. Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow. Please bring a handkerchief, washcloth or anything else to cover your mouth.
6. Please stay home if you are sick. If anyone in your family is experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay home.
Children's Ministry
All children's ministry team members will be wearing masks and gloves. Our children's ministry coordinator has provided two options for your children:
1. Children's Ministry Area - Children are NOT required to wear a face mask in children's ministry. Children will be temp-checked during check-in.
2. Attend Worship Service - Children attending the worship service are required to wear masks unless they are ages 2 and under. Children will be given packets with coloring pages and crayons.
Online Service
Our service will be streamed online at 9:30 and 11:00 AM on our facebook page for those who wish to worship with us from home.