How to shoulder-tap

How to shoulder tap: Personal invitation is the key.  

1. Know the mission of your ministry.

2. What gifts and skills do you need on your team to help? Working directly with people or indirectly in the background assisting? Extrovert / Introvert? Engaging? Admin? Gatherer? Etc.

3. What are the specific expectations of the people that serve on the team? Use the acronym FAT as your selection criteria.  

4. Look for people with those characteristics.

5. Personally invite your candidates to pray about trying the ministry 2 times and then decide if this is for them.

6. Follow up with them over the next week. Take the initiative and communicate that you care and they are WANTED.

FAT - When shoulder tapping for your ministry team, look for FAT people.  

Faithfulness is measured by how faithful and committed someone is to the church, connecting with others, spiritual growth and more. This is a subjective evaluation that you must make but boils down to this - do not try to involve someone who feels as if they are uncommitted. Involve someone who feels faithful and committed to the church, others, their own spiritual growth, and possibly your ministry.  

Availability comes in 2 forms - time and emotional commitment.  
  • Time - This means a person has the time, energy and desire to commit to your ministry. For example, if someone works outside of Orangeburg during the week, inviting them to explore your team will not work. They are not physically available.  
  • Emotional commitment - If someone does not show interest in connecting deeper into the church or your ministry in particular, they are emotionally unavailable.

Teachable means a person will receive coaching, correction and wants to grow. They respond to feedback and correction. People who resist coaching, get defensive, play the victim, or placate you by listening but not applying the feedback are unteachable.