Small groups

Our faith is not meant to be lived out in isolation, but in community with others. 

What is a grow group?

These groups spiritually grow people, focus on a particular topic or book of the Bible, and meet weekly.

Example: Ephesians Bible study, marriage study, etc.

What is a connect group?

These groups focus on selected interests rather than spiritual topics. These groups meet weekly or as-needed.

Example: baking, golf, grilling, etc.

What is an outreach group?

These groups partner with local organizations to serve our community.

Example: Connie Maxwell Children's Home, Grace Home, DAZZ Crisis Pregnancy Center

Current Groups

Summer groups will be announced on Sunday, May 21

Sunday AM

Group Leader: Ley Pickens

Sundays @ 8:30 AM
Location: 3600 Columbia Road
Childcare is available
Sunday AM small group is a place to connect with others while walking through Scripture! This group meets before the service on Sunday mornings. So grab a coffee and come talk about the Word of God! Click to sign up now!

Women: Thursday Nights

Group Leader: Beverly Thomas

Every Thursday @ 6:30 PM
Location: 955 Riverside Drive
Are you fully equipped for spiritual battle? Do you even know how to recognize the enemy’s tactics? We will be studying living in spiritual victory using the book “Lord, Is it Warfare? Teach Me to Stand” by Kay Arthur. This study will discuss why we encounter spiritual warfare, where it comes from and how to defeat it using God's armor. (Ephesians 6:10-20). If you want to stand in the midst of your battles, this deep and challenging study is for you.

Men: Let's Get Real

Group Leader: Bill Bennett

Tuesdays @ 6:00 AM
Location: 3600 Columbia Road
This group seeks to create a strong “band of brothers” who can confide, encourage and spiritually deepen one another in order to be the man God designed them to be. They move past surface level relationships to build unbreakable bonds using teaching, discussion, Scripture, and prayer. Sign up and we will see you on Tuesday morning!

Men: Pursuit of Manhood

Group Leader: Jeff Grant

Thursdays @ 7:00 PM
Location: Grant Home,
1433 Neeses Hwy in Orangeburg
A small group designed for men. Men need a place to decompress from the world and learn from one another. We will dive into the Word of God and unveil the truth of what manhood is. Sign up today to join in!