Fall Grow Groups 2022

Embark encourages spiritual growth through our grow groups. Grow groups consist of 8-12 people that meet regularly. They focus on either a specific topic (such as Biblical parenting, finances, etc) or a specific book of the Bible. In a grow group, you will dive deep into material and topics that you may not otherwise encounter on your own while building relationships with others. These are the two necessary ingredients for growing deeper with Jesus.

Our groups are run on a semester system - spring, summer, and fall. Our next groups launch will be the fall groups on August 28, 2022. Join us on Sunday, August 28 at our Fall Kickoff Party as we announce our fall groups! 
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Spiritual Life Groups | Men's & Women's Groups | Bible Studies | Community Groups | Marriage & Family | Connect Groups | Students

Spiritual Life Groups

The Spiritual Life track of classes teach the "how to's" of interacting with, ordering our lives around, and connecting with God. They progressively build upon one another, are more "weightier" in teaching than the other tracks, and require some homework. However, this is the core track of Embark Church that has proven results in helping people respond to, grow deeper in, and experience more of Jesus.

If you are new to Embark, Spiritual Life 1.0 is where you should start. 

Spiritual Life 1.0

Jud Jordan

Date & Time - Sundays at 5:30 PM
Start Date - September 11, 2022
Location - TBD
Childcare Available

Most, whether they grew up in church or not, have not been taught the practical, "how to's" of living out the Christian faith.  As a result, they do not feel as connected as they would like with God.  SL 1.0 teaches the time-tested, practical, “how to” practices for engaging God.  It specifically covers:
1. Understanding and experiencing the gospel. The Gospel, that is the Good News of what God has done for you, is the core of a vibrant faith.  For the many who have not experienced how it radically transforms and establishes God as the center of their life, it is just a word.  In 1.0, participants have the Gospel unpacked for them as well as walked into experiencing it.  

2. Teaching "how to" do specific spiritual practices. 1.0 teaches the "how-to's" of prayer, reading scripture, hearing from God, praying with others, and other time-tested spiritual practices necessary in connecting with God.  

This is the starting place for all and the core course Embark was built upon.

Spiritual Life 2.0

Jud Jordan & other leaders

Date & Time - TBD based on participant's schedule
Start Date - September 12, 2022
Location - TBD

Really growing close with Jesus involves allowing Him to shape our character and develop our inner man / woman. This involves learning how to let Him search, reveal and speak into our character flaws, the ways we operate and how we engage others.
Through a time-tested, results-proven process, 2.0 carries participants through "Jesus directed self-work" that will develop a personal inventory of the things that shape how we think, act and respond to ourselves, others and God.

  • Completion of SL 1.0 is required prior to attending SL 2.0.

Spiritual Life 3.0

Jud Jordan

Date & Time - Tuesdays at 5:30 PM
Start Date - September 13, 2022
Location - TBD
Childcare is available.

Learning how to live out and organize our lives around the Spiritual Disciplines (prayer, study, fasting, silence / solitude, worship, work and Sabbath) is essential for deep connection with Jesus rather than trying to squeeze Him into our already busy schedules. This course teaches what the spiritual disciplines are, how to do them, and how to organize our lives around them through teaching and in-depth discussion. This is a more intensive teaching that requires reflective homework / practicing the skills at home.
  • Must have completed Spiritual Life 1.0.
  • Although completion of Spiritual Life 2.0 is preferable, this does not necessarily mean you cannot register for the class. We simply ask you discuss your desire to be a part of this class with your group leader for future clarification.
  • Must have a serious and committed desire to order your lives more around Jesus.

Spiritual Life 4.0

Jud Jordan

Those who have a vibrant relationship with Jesus ALWAYS have a desire to be used by Him in ministry, that is helping others experience greater levels of Jesus in their lives and leading / assisting ministries within the church. It is important to note that MANY do not have a specific ministry they want to perform, they simply have a general sense they want to serve.
Spiritual Life 4.0 involves group and 1-on-1 instruction regarding how to do ministry, placement within church ministry positions, discussion to help you discern where God is calling you to ministry, and individual growth feedback sessions. If you are feeling led to this, no matter where you are on your Spiritual Life journey, contact the pastor to schedule discussion time.

  • Must have completed SL 1.0.
  • Schedule time with and have a discussion with the pastor.

Men's & Women's Groups

Men: Let's Get Real

Bill Bennett

Date & Time - Tuesdays at 6:00 AM
Start Date - September 13, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road

This group seeks to create a band of brothers that can confide in one another with anything and everything that inhibits them from being the man God designed them to be.
We will move past surface level relationships and build unbreakable bonds using discussion, Scripture, and prayer.

Women: Jonah

Ann Foley

Date & Time - Tuesdays at 10:30 AM
Start Date - September 13, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road

Come join us for a study of the book of Jonah!
Jonah was a rebel prophet. When God wanted him to preach a message of hope to Nineveh, a city in Assyria, Jonah traveled in the opposite direction. His story of failure shows us God's mercy--both to the prophet and to a people who didn't deserve it. It reminds us of God's mercy to us, and it challenges us to be ambassadors of that mercy.

Women: The Well-Watered Woman

Beverly Thomas

Date & Time - Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Start Date - September 15, 2022
Location - 955 Riverside Drive

This study is based on the book "The Well-Watered Woman" by Gretchen Saffles.
Do you ever feel "dried up & empty" as a woman who struggles to do it all? Come join a community of beautiful women who feel the same way! This group will help you discover the bottomless, refreshing well of God's word and experience a fullness and peace beyond your circumstances! The study will offer tangible tools to help you know Jesus more and to live a life that thoroughly enjoys Him, seeks Him, and follows Him into freedom. This group is for every woman who wants more of Jesus in her everyday life but struggles to live out this desire!

Women: Post-Abortion

Evelyn Pickens

Date & Time - TBD based on participant's schedule
Start Date - September 11-17, 2022
Location - TBD based on participant's schedule

Abortion can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a person's life. Research indicates that one in four women will have experienced the pain of abortion. Through the years, these post-abortive women learn to live in silence and secrecy, stockpiling hurts they've buried deep inside.
Surrendering the Secret is a powerful 8-week Bible study guide to emotional healing and freedom after abortion, and is being offered by Embark Church for any woman in the Orangeburg and surrounding areas. Fill out the form below for more information about the date and time of this life giving post-abortion healing Bible study journey for women. All inquiries are strictly confidential.

Bible Studies

Sunday AM Bible Study

Ley Pickens, John Foutz, & Randy Benzon

Date & Time - Sundays @ 8:30 AM
Start Date - September 11, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road
Childcare is available for this group.

This group will be taught by a team and lecture style walking through Matthew.
Matthew is the story of Jesus of Nazareth, recorded by the apostle Matthew as a compelling witness that Jesus is the long-anticipated Messiah, who brought the kingdom of God to earth and is the prophesied fulfillment of God’s promise of true peace and deliverance.

Old Testament: Exodus

Paul & Taylor Ott

Date & Time - Sundays @ 5:30 PM
Start Date - September 11, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road
Childcare is available for this group.

Simply put, Exodus shows us that God saves sinners. It tells us that God delivered the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt, led them through the wilderness, and made a covenant with them at Sinai despite their continued grumbling, rebellion and sin. This book gives us a condensed picture of the Gospel.
Please note this small group will meet for both a Fall and Spring group, with teaching and fellowship over two semesters.

New Testament: James

Hal & Darlene Huggins

Date & Time - Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM
Start Date - September 14, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road
Childcare is available for this group.

This group will be studying the book of James.
James’s primary theme is living out one’s faith, being a doer and not just a hearer of the word. This theme is developed in view of the social conflict between rich and poor and the spiritual conflict between factions in the church. James rebukes his readers for their worldliness and challenges them to seek divine wisdom in working out these problems and getting right with God.

Community Groups

What Christians Believe

Clay Strider

Date & Time - Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM
Start Date - September 14, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road
Childcare is available for this group.

This group will study the defining concepts that make a Christian....a Christian, using the Apostles’ Creed.
When the earliest Christians gathered together under persecution they would proclaim what they believed. This creed, or statement of faith, captures those core doctrines.

Becoming a Romans 12 Christian

Cathy Jordan & Candy Smith

Date & Time - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Start Date - September 14, 2022
Location - Smith Home
Childcare is available for this group.

Being a genuine disciple of Christ flows out of a relationship with Him. It's about experiencing God's grace, not earning His love through performance. A real relationship with Jesus Christ will produce a follower whose life looks progressively more like His life.
Romans 12 provides a relational profile of an authentic disciple: someone who is surrendered to God, separate from the world's values, sober in self-assessment, serving in love and supernaturally responds to evil with good. Christians who live out this kind of lifestyle are what we call r12 Christians. God is willing to go deeper and grow you into a real disciple... are you ready?

This study is based on the book "True Spirituality" by Chip Ingram.

Marriage & Family

The Art of Marriage

Josh & Heather Simmons

Date & Time - Tuesdays @ 6:00 PM
Start Date - September 13, 2022
Location - Simmons Home
Childcare is available for this group.

Marriage, the way God intended it to be, is a true art form.
The Art of Marriage weaves together expert teaching, real-life stories, humorous sketches, and more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of God’s design for marriage.

Connect Groups


Jason Henderson

Date & Time - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Start Date - September 14, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road
Childcare is available for this group.

Is your household practically prepared if you were forced to survive and live off the land? God told Joseph to prepare. God told Noah to prepare. He called, equipped, and gave them the knowledge to get prepared for when times get tough.
This group will learn basic skills of being prepared for weather concerns, car break downs, food supply shortage, etc. This will be more practical, hands-on lessons than study.


Middle & High School Students

Erin Henderson

Date & Time - Sundays @ 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Start Date - August 28, 2022
Location - 3600 Columbia Road

Students, join us on Sunday nights for food, games, and Bible lessons you can apply to your lives as you navigate middle and high school.
We will be talking about what it looks like to have a relationship with God, as well as what the Bible says about friendships, relationships, family, mental health, peer pressure, bullying, and many other topics.