Part 1: The Process
Video length: 16:36
0:00 - What is freedom?
1:26 - The 4 steps of our freedom process
8:34 - Understanding how ungodly beliefs (UGBs) are formed and drive us. We borrow the UGB cycle from a ministry we support called "Restoring the Foundations." (RTF)
0:00 - What is freedom?
1:26 - The 4 steps of our freedom process
8:34 - Understanding how ungodly beliefs (UGBs) are formed and drive us. We borrow the UGB cycle from a ministry we support called "Restoring the Foundations." (RTF)
Part 2: How to do the Resentment, Shame, Fear Inventory
Adapted from steps 4-7 of 12-step programs.
Video length: 31:53
0:00 - What is the resentment, fear, shame inventory?
20:24 - How to do the resentment, fear, shame inventory
Video length: 31:53
0:00 - What is the resentment, fear, shame inventory?
20:24 - How to do the resentment, fear, shame inventory
Part 3: Walking through the Resentment, Shame, Fear (RSF) Inventory
This practical video gives tips, tricks, and best practices when filling out your RSF inventory. It has 2 parts: general observations and then examining the real life examples of participants. It gives practical instruction on how to do this.
Video length: 1:04:17
0:00 - General observations
25:00 - Real life examples of participants
Video length: 1:04:17
0:00 - General observations
25:00 - Real life examples of participants
Part 4: Walking through the Resentment, Shame, Fear (RSF) Inventory (continued)
This practical video gives tips, tricks, and best practices when filling out your RSF inventory. It has 2 parts: general observations and then examining the real life examples of participants. It gives practical instruction on how to do this.
Video length: 1:58:01
Video length: 1:58:01
Part 5: Processing the Resentment, Shame, Fear (RSF) Inventory
Video length: 30:19
0:00 - Moving toward resolution
12:28 - Process journaling
0:00 - Moving toward resolution
12:28 - Process journaling
Referenced Resources from the Videos :
This is one of many different "feelings wheels," and was taken from a Google search.
Amended from a ministry we support called Restoring the Foundations.
Adapted from steps 4-7 of 12-step programs.
Recommended Reading & Research
These books are suggested at specific points within the process.
1. Attachment Styles
- Take the test: (click here to go to our recommended testing site) Turn your phone horizontal to format the page.
- Read the following book: The Power of Attachment by Diane Poole Heller
2. Enneagram
- Take the test: (click here to go to our recommended testing site) Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the "Discounted Assessment & Interpretation for Members of Embark Church"
- Read the following book: The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
3. Daring Greatly
1. Watch Brene Brown's two TED talks: Click here
2. Read the following book: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
2. Read the following book: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown