Hearing from God Experience

The "Hearing from God Experience" is an individual, personal experiencing of Jesus in such a way that a life-changing, spiritual transformation happens. This transformation is one where, beyond the shadow of a doubt, God is real, accepts us and speaks to us. It moves Jesus from a "have to" to a "get to." For those who did not have it before, this provides the assurance of salvation, that is knowing for sure you are going to heaven when you die. For others who may already have the assurance of salvation (AOS), this necessary experience is one that solidifies our AOS and motivates us to pursue God in a mighty way. It is truly life-changing.  

Answer the following questions to assess whether you have it or not:

1. If I died tonight, do I know for sure that I would be in heaven with Jesus?

2. If I have the AOS, have I experienced God speaking to me in such a way that I cannot forget it, KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt God is real and find my heart desiring incredibly more of Him?

If you TRUTHFULLY answered "NO" to either of these questions  -OR- had to talk yourself into a "YES," then we suggest entering the process of having a "Hearing from God Experience" moment.  Now answer the final question:  

3.  Do you have the COURAGE AND GUTS to do anything about it?

Our Process

1. Fill out the form. This is a very courageous move on your part that we wish to celebrate and honor.
2. A trained "guide" will contact and introduce themselves to you, get to know you more, explain our process and discuss the most common fears people have in this process. We know this is scary. However, you cannot have this experience without the help of another.  
3. Your guide, who is bound by confidentiality, will schedule a "get to know you" time, ensuring you feel comfortable with them, answer questions, discuss your fears and guide you through the experience.
4. You and your guide will schedule a time to hear from God. This time focuses on helping someone hear and experience Jesus for themselves.
5. A "post-AOS" plan will be provided to you of next steps in how to enter into greater discipleship, that is, learning more about Jesus and developing your relationship with him.
6. Most are so excited with their new found freedom, they schedule a time to record their testimony. Some may get baptized.  


We know this is VERY scary for you. It involves being open with another. You will not be asked to confess your deepest darkest secret, pray out loud or anything that makes you uncomfortable. This is simply a time of learning and experiencing Jesus speak to you with a guide who has been through the process themselves. We applaud you for taking this courageous step and remember that if you do not take this step, nothing is going to change.

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