3 Types of Authority

A leader operates with 3 types of authority - formal, relational and spiritual. Seek to cultivate relational authority with others, let spiritual authority develop through the spiritual disciplines and allow formal authority to come.  
Formal authority:
  • Formal authority comes as a result of a position. For example, a pastor has the authority to allocate resources, speak on behalf of the church, etc. 
  • It is CONFERRED upon people. This means once someone demonstrates the desire, skill and level of competence, the formal authority is given to them with specific rights and responsibilites.
  • It is better to operate out of relational authority than formal authority.  

Relational authority:
  • Relational authority means having enough relationship with someone that you can speak correction into their lives. For example, if a complete stranger tells you that you are doing something wrong, offense is usually taken. However, if a friend speaks correction into our lives, becuase we know and trust them, we are able to hear the correction.  
  • Relational authority is occurs by establishing trust + respect over time.  
  • Work towards, and operate out of, relational authority rather than formal authority with people. People will follow.  

Spiritual authority:
  • Spiritual authority is supernatural. You know when you encounter it. It comes from a depth of soul that spends time with God. It is only given by God.
  • Spiritual authority is obtained by doing the spiritual disciplines / practices like prayer, study, etc.