2 Services communications hub

Moving to 2 Services on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024

Jud and Ley are leading an online Congregational Information Meeting on Sunday, March 17 @ 7 PM to explain everything involved with moving to 2 services. Tune into Facebook Live or Youtube!

Sign up to get these videos sent straight to your inbox as they are posted.

Why we're moving to 2 services & Why it's important

Reason #1

Filling Heaven, emptying hell.
Video Length: 2:50


Faithful stewardship of the building God gave us. 
Video Length: 2:33

The greatest challenge we have moving to 2 services

The greatest challenge to moving into 2 services is expanding our worship team. What is the plan?

If you can sing or play an instrument or know someone who might be interested in joining the worship team, contact Rachel Carter at 803-813-0010 ext 3 or rachelcarter@embark-church.org to begin the audition process. 

Common concerns and fears moving into 2 services

Moving to 2 services is a BIG CHANGE for our congregation. These videos will address the most common concerns and fears.

Will Embark feel different?

Will we have enough SERVE team members?

Will the worship center feel less full and low energy?

Change is hard.

Operational logistics of 2 services

2 Services - Children's Ministry

Video Length: 2:13
We are growing and reaching more families!!
Video Length: 4:07
Time Stamps:
Basic Check-In: 0:20
Check-Out Procedure: 1:00
Check-In Walk Through: 3:00
Video Length: 5:23
Time Stamps:
Basic Check-In: 0:20
Check-Out Procedure: 1:00
Check-In Walk Through: 3:00

Do you have questions about moving to 2 services? Let us know.